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Draft Bylaws of the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group

Article I. - Name

  1. This organization shall be called the Accessibility Special Interest Group of the Internet Society, which may be abbreviated to the numeronym A11ySIG.

Article II. - Purpose

  1. This SIG shall have as its purpose ensuring equal access to the Internet and its benefits to all regardless of disability.
  2. This SIG will support activities to improve accessibility to the Internet for people with disabilities and people with specific needs.
  3. This SIG is chartered by the Internet Society (ISOC). These bylaws neither supersede nor abrogate any of the Bylaws of the Internet Society that regulate its SIG/SIGaffairs.

Article III. - Membership

  1. All members of the SIG shall also be members of the Internet Society.
  2. Only members may vote in SIG elections.
  3. Membership is not necessary, however, for participation in SIG activities.
  4. All individuals and organizations falling within the defined scope of the SIG shall be eligible for membership without discrimination.

Article IV. - Officers

  1. The officers of this SIG shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
  2. The officers shall be elected prior to the Annual General Meeting through an online process. They shall take office on December 31 and serve for 2 Years.
  3. The founding members shall appoint a pro-tem board that will serve until the first election.
  4. Subsequent to election, Officers may serve no more than two consequent terms.

Article V. - Duties of Officers

  1. The President is the principal officer and is responsible for leading the SIG and managing its activities in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Internet Society and these bylaws. The President shall preside at all meetings of this SIG and of its Executive Council.
  2. The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair (President).
  3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all SIG and Executive Council meetings. Other duties of the Secretary including an annual activity report, officer information, and an annual financial report to ISOC.
    1. Preparation of the Annual SIG Report for presentation to the SIG at the Annual General Meeting.
    2. Preparation of the SIG's Activity Report and submission of this report to ISOC Headquarters.
    3. Notification to ISOC Headquarters of any changes in the elected officers of the SIG.
    4. Submission of any proposed amendment to these bylaws to ISOC.
  4. The Treasurer shall collect dues, pay all bills, and maintain the SIG's financial records. Duties of the Treasurer shall also include:
    1. . Preparation of the SIG's Annual Financial Report for presentation to the SIG at the Annual General meeting.
  5. The Chair shall have the ability to further delegate SIG functions, including appointing a SIG Admin to manage the membership, the website, and social media accounts.

Article VI. - Executive Council

  1. The Executive Council, if constituted, shall consist of the present SIG officers, the immediate Past President, the chairmen of the SIG's standing committees and up to two Members-at-Large. The term of the members of the Council shall coincide with the terms of the officers. They shall take office on the first day of the calendar year and serve for two years.

Article VII. - Standing Committees

  1. The Standing Committees of the SIG shall be determined by the membership and executive council.
  2. The Program Committee, if constituted, shall plan and make arrangements of the SIG's meetings in accordance with the membership's interests and the aims of the SIG as set forth in Article II. Otherwise the Executive Council will serve as the Program Committee.

Article VIII. - Temporary Committees

  1. With the advice of the SIG Executive Council, the President may appoint such temporary committees as appropriate.
  2. A Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three members of this SIG, at least two of whom shall not be members of the Executive Council, shall be appointed by the SIG President at least two months prior to the Election meeting.

Article IX. - Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held as planned by the Program Committee.
  2. The SIG shall hold online meetings using accessible technology.
  3. Elections shall be held via online vote using accessible technology.
  4. Any face to face meetings will only be held in places that are open and accessible to all members of the Society.
  5. The Annual General meeting shall be held as the last meeting of the program year. At this meeting, the Secretary and Treasurer each shall present a report. Also, the Chair shall announce the results of the election of officers for the coming year.
  6. Notices of the place and time of all meetings shall be distributed to all members at least one week prior to any meeting, by Internet mail or other means.

Article X. - Disbursements and Dues

  1. Disbursements from the Treasury for SIG expenditures shall be made by the Treasurer with authorization of the Executive Council and shall be included in the minutes of its meetings.

Article XI. - Amendment and Voting Procedures

  1. Any proposed changes to these SIG Bylaws shall have been approved by ISOC before being presented to the SIG membership for a vote.
  2. To change the Bylaws a minimum quorum of 10 members shall be required.
  3. A simple plurality of the members present and voting shall be required to carry a motion, or elect Officers.

Article XII. - Dissolution of the SIG

  1. Dissolution of this SIG by consent of the members shall consist of unanimous agreement of all its officers together with a majority vote at a meeting which has been publicized in advance to all members of the SIG for the purpose of taking this vote.
  2. Should this SIG be dissolved, its assets shall be transferred to the Internet Society.